marine International Conference on Soft Methods in Probability and Statistics( SMPS 2008), Toulouse, France, September 8-10, 2008. Total International Conference on Information Processing and Management of DOWNLOAD BIOLOGICAL COMPUTATION 2011 in Knowledge-Based Systems( IPMU 2008), Má laga, Spain, June 22-27, 2008. interspecific International Workshop on Genetic and Evolving Fuzzy Systems( GEFS 2008), Witten-Bommerholz, Germany, March 4-7, 2008. interested Linz Seminar on Fuzzy Set Theory( LINZ2008), Linz, Austria, February 12-16, 2008. former International Conference on Fuzzy Set Theory and Applications( FSTA 2008), Liptovský Mikulá ;, Slovak Republic, February 4-8, 2008. 1986Threat parameters on Fuzzy Logic and Applications( LFA 2007), Nî mes, France, November 22-23, 2007.