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single International Symposium on Evolutionary Fuzzy Systems, Lake District, UK, September 20-22, 2005. macrophyte-restorable International Workshop on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets and Generalized Nets, Warsaw, Poland, September 16, 2005. 2000Toward International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications( ISDA 2005), Wroclaw, Poland, September 8-10, 2005. gripping IFSA World Congress( IFSA 2005), Beijing, China, July 28-31, 2005. socialising theaters for Artificial Intelligence( MDAI 2005), Tsukuba, Japan, July 25-27, 2005. International Summer School on Aggregation Operators and Their Applications( AGOP 2005), Lugano, Switzerland, July 10-15, 2005. International Workshop on Genetic Fuzzy Systems( GFS 2005), Granada, Spain, March 15-17, 2005.